• Houston, TX

    Date and Time: May 3, 2023, 19:00 – 21:00PM


    Venue: MATCH | Midtown Arts & Theater Center Houston- MATCHBOX 4


    Address: 3400 Main Street, Houston, TX 77002

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  • Your support helps make it happen!
    SUN YAT-SEN School believes everyone has the right to enjoy, create, and experience the arts.
    Your gift will help keep our vital arts and culture initiatives accessible 
    to more communities from all over the world.

  • Please contact the Access Team by email at info@wavinfo.com or by phone at +886-2-2885-6129 to discuss your specific access needs so that we may explore other accommodations we may be able to offer. 
    While there is no deadline for notice, please reach out as soon as you know that you plan to attend
    a program so that we have enough time to identify the best options to fill your request.